Author Sarah Wiseman sitting under her palapa in her garden.  Morelos, Mexico

Author Sarah Wiseman sitting under her palapa in her garden. Morelos, Mexico

photo workshop

Portrait of me taken by Lucas. Picnic at mum¥s friend Shadey¥s house in Perthshire, Scotland, Great Britain

Portrait of me taken by Lucas. Picnic at mum¥s friend Shadey¥s house in Perthshire, Scotland, Great Britain

Adam Wiseman es un fotógrafo británico-mexicano cuya distintiva carrera artística, que abarca más de 30 años, ha estado marcada por su relación con el fotoperiodismo. Sus temas están claramente interpuestos con su comprensión de la imagen como algo entre el documento e intersubjetividad. Después de graduarse de la Universidad de Nueva York y del Centro Internacional de Fotografía de Nueva York (ICP), Wiseman trabajó como impresor fino en la agencia Magnum Photos. Desde entonces, Wiseman ha trabajado para publicaciones como el New York Times, National Geographic, Le Monde, Rolling Stone, y ha realizado trabajos comerciales para empresas como Apple, Yahoo y American Express. 

Ha dedicado la última década de su carrera a proyectos personales los cuales han sido exhibido internacionalmente y que se pueden encontrar en varias colecciones públicas y privadas, entre las que destacan las de las Universidades de Stanford y Berkeley, el Museo de Bellas Artes de Houston y el Smithsonian. . 

Wiseman, que ha recibido dos veces la beca de arte nacional más prestigiosa de México, el Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte / FONCA, actualmente dirige el Departamento de Fotografía de la Universidad de East London y divide su tiempo entre la Ciudad de México y Londres. 

Adam Wiseman is a British/Mexican photographer whose distinctive artistic career, spanning over 30 years, has been marked by his relationship to photojournalism. His subjects are clearly interposed with his longstanding understanding of image as something between document and intersubjectivity. 

After graduating from New York University and the International Center of Photography in New York, Wiseman worked as a fine-art darkroom printer at Magnum Photos. Wiseman has since worked on assignment for publications like the New York Times, National Geographic, Le Monde, Rolling Stone and may others and he has done commercial work for companies such as Apple, Yahoo and American Express.  

He has dedicated the last decade of his career to personal projects which have been exhibited internationally and can be found in a number of private and public collections most notably those of the Universities of Stanford and Berkeley, The Museum of Fine Arts Houston, and The Smithsonian.  

Wiseman who has twice been the recipient of Mexico´s most prestigious national art's grant Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte / FONCA, currently heads the Photography Department at the University of East London and divides his time between Mexico City and London. 


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